About Your Hosts

Nancy Wainer

Nancy had a traumatic birth with her first child and an upsetting birth with her second, and could not find support or help for the feelings of disappointment, loss, betrayal, sadness, failure, confusion and anger that she was experiencing - and which she now knows are valid, normal, even healthy reactions to a birth that has gone awry. Everyone around her told her she had no reason to be upset- she had healthy babies and  "nothing else should matter." Although it is true that a healthy baby is paramount, other things DO matter. How a woman feels physically and emotionally after her baby is born affects everything - her relationship with her partner, her baby and others; her energy level; her sex life, as examples.

Over the next several years, Nancy finally was able to find some things that helped her, as well as a few people along the way who gave her valuable suggestions for healing. She educated herself by attending workshops, reading, interviewing therapists and sorting out the kinds of things that she knew would be of value to the woman who sought her out. She has received thousands of letters, phone calls, and emails from women all over the world who have wanted help recovering emotionally from their miserable birth experiences - and has done her best to help each and every one of these women in a variety of different ways.  

Nancy graduated with honors from her midwifery programs and trained in a variety of settings including  birth centers and midwifery schools in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Jamaica. She co cofounded the first cesarean prevention organization in the world and her work is being archived at the Schlesinger Womens' History Library at Harvard University.Nancy is a member of the Massachusetts Midwives Alliance and the North American Registry of Midwives, and is  an internationally known and sought-after childbirth speaker. In 2011 Nancy was selected as one of Mothering Magazine's "Living Treasures."  Nancy coined the term VBAC ( vaginal birth after cesarean) and has written two books on cesarean prevention. "Silent Knife" won an award for The Best Book in the Field of Health and Medicine by the American Library Association the year it was written. She loves what she does, feels privileged to attend births and since the beginning of her training, has been present at over 1600 births.

Heidi Guiliano

Heidi Guiliano, BS, HBCE has a Bacholors of Science in Biology and trained as a homebirth midwife since 2003.  She is a Hypobirthing Childbirth Educator and specializes in emotional release work using hypnosis and the Senoma Method.  She also designed and teaches a Holistic Parenting class and works as a private chef utilizing her knowledge of whole foods and nutrition.  She is trained in and uses Electromagnetic Muscle Testing in her practice.

Krissy Lynch

Kristin Lynch is a homebirth midwife and a graduate of Birthwise Midwifery School.  She attended the Farm in Tennessee and trained with the farm midwives including Ina May Gaskin.  She currently practices as a birth/postpartum doula while she homeschools her three young children.  Kristin is also EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practitioner.